A Parents vision to nurture the passion for his boys in the STEM field
Having Travelled the Globe and seen the world, Ripujeet and Archana knows the importance of application/project based learning and the importance of building early foundation therefore they decided to open an Enrichment center in Aurora area focused primarily on bringing the latest technologies in the hands of kids to spark a passion in the STEM field.

Team work helped his son to get passionate about robotics, cloud computing and coding
Every weekend Ripujeet and his son worked together on multiple projects using Lego Robotics , Raspberry Pi, Arduino and voice recognition software in combination with Python coding, enabling his son to master the application based learning. They gathered team of neighbors and friends to collaborate and share their projects to impart their knowledge to other young minds.

Inspired from their son and team’s success, Ripujeet and Archana decided to open on site center
Inspired from his son and his team’s success, brought the vision to Ripujeet to share the same passion for others kids ages 6 to 16.
STEMshala’s goal is to bring the latest technologies in the hands-of kids and teens and spark a passion for a future career in a STEM field.
Our Mission
To deliver the most effective and efficient mix of curriculum, methodology, material and teachers to prepare children for the 21st century at an affordable price.

STEMshala ?
Our vision has been to reconnect and develop the way of teaching and learning for decades. By combining quality teachers, engaging content, fun activities, and better technology, we can help children have a better learning experience and improve their outcome.
STEMshala is an incredible platform for children ages 5–15 years. Our classrooms are fun and vibrant virtual environments that use state-of-the-art technology to provide your child with face-to-face video/audio conferencing.
Visual Advantage
Methodology Advantage
Affordability Advantage
Teacher Advantage
Visual advantage
Our programs offer that visual connection.
Visually seeing other kids and thier teachers in a vital and motivating part of effective learning. We maximize hte benefits of this unique element of our program.
Visual Connection
Evaluation Advantage
Our students receive a 3 stage evaluation
Entry stage to assess placement level, intermediate stage to assess progress, and graduation stage to assess actual growth.
Affordability Advantage
We pass this advantage to our customers by keeping our.
Wise use of technology and group teaching makes us more competitive than other similar programs
- Technology
- Group Teaching
- Advantage
We wanted to create a virtual campus
Where teachers and students could see , hear and interact with each other as if they were face to face and yet not need to leave the confort of their homes.
- Virtual Campus
- Attract with others
- Comfort homes
Methodology Advantage
We design lessons that are well scripted and well organized
That use multiple approachdes to illustrating the principles or ideas being taught, lesson are coherent, and oriented towards problem solving
- Lesson
- Ideas
- Principles
Teacher Advantage
Our teachers are really Learning Facilitators
They facilitate learning through self discovery by igniting, challening, questioning and explaining in a story form the true meaning of the fundamentals which will drive student to discover logic and critical thinking skills.
- Facilitate learning
- Challenges
- Thinking Skills
Our Ideology
Our use of children’s learning best practices and full understanding prepares your child for the challenges of a changing world. The ideology we believe to be true. That ideology shapes the structure of our program, and our actions grow from that structure to produce results.

Students who work repetitively with worksheets demonstrate a higher level of in-depth understand of the subject.
We believe that while conventional methods of repetition and memorization may improve procedural competency, these methods short change our children and will not instill the conceptual level of understanding required to be truly world class students and individuals.
Richer and more conceptual learning opportunities are available if students are encouraged to present multiple solutions and examine the relative advantages of different methods.
Grasping Power
Curriculum must be adjusted to the childs level of understanding and therefore children must be categorized according to their perceived level of understanding and taught accordingly.
Tailoring instruction to a students perceived level is unfairly limiting because it prejudges what a student is capable of learning. We believe that all students should have the opportunity to learn the same material.
We strongly believe all children are capable of grasping complicated material if it is presented clearly and in an interesting way.
Most curriculums provide easy and repetitive sequential ways to solve problems. The thinking behind this type of methodology is that the more you practice a system, the more you learn the material.
Curriculums that are an inch deep and mile wide do not instill higher level thinking and analytical abilities. Students will be able to answer familiar questions but will fumble if asked any questions outside the scope of their experience.
Children should solve challenging problems that extend beyond the obvious and routine. Curriculum must be taught at a conceptual level to help students develop higher order thinking.
A teacher imparts knowledge by lecturing and teaching facts and skills. The teacher is the only source of knowledge.
Knowledge is something that must be constructed by the child rather than a set of facts and skills that can only be mastered through lectures. The teacher facilitates this process.
Ease of Solving
Most curriculums provide a step-by-step way to solve problems and then expect students to practice those steps.
The conventional methodology teaches kids to memorize steps and encourages them to be procedural oriented.
Deliberate gaps in steps and different methods of solving problems force children to think. Sometimes this leads to frustration and confusion, but these experiences are a natural part of the learning process and when students work through those situations to discover an answer, the experience lays the foundation for deeper and higher understanding.
Children feel stressed by pressure placed on them from early formal training. It is reasonable to assume that a child may require some help when they are in higher grades.
There is no real evidence to indicate that children feel stress about learning or that they do not enjoy learning at an early age. On the contrary, it is essential to begin building a solid foundation in the early grades when children are most receptive. Research has shown that, for the vast majority of children, academic deficiencies from the first six grades permanently impair the success of later learning experiences.
Learning builds on learning: children gain new knowledge only by building on what they already know. The higher your structure is to be, the deeper its foundation must be. We believe that a curious young mind is a fast learner and should start developing higher level understanding in the first grade, but not before.
Error indicates failure and should be concealed to avoid embarrassment.
Errors are put to positive use in the learning process and do not indicate a student’s low potential. They provide an opportunity to learn more, to clarify misunderstandings, and encourage discussions.
Innate abilities determine a childs potential success.Either he has it or he does not.
This conventional belief does not do justice to our children and may not give them opportunities they deserve. Innate abilities are not in our control, but our level of effort is. Continuous effort, not strength, intelligence or innate is the key to unlocking your childs true potential.
Our Methodology
Just as we need the right soil and seed to cultivate a dazzling flower your children need the right mix of method and curriculum. cybeRShala aims to strengthen the true potential of your child and builds a strong foundation by following a methodical step wise teaching combined with tried and proven curriculum.

Our members have access to the following add-ons:
- Library of recorded sessions in case child has missed class.
- Extra practice material.
- Account webpage.
- Childs assessments.
- Tests.
- Notes.
- Library.
- Report card.
- Messages.
- Bulletin board.
- Mail to Teacher or Principal.
After completion of a semester, children are presented with a certificate as a proof of their acquired proficiency and as an incentive to do well the next semester.
Online Classroom
We will ensure your child learns not only the subject but other real life collaboration skills like video conferencing and online discussion group etiquette, whiteboard writing, desktop and document sharing needed in today s global economy.
Parent Meetings
- Parents get first hand feedback about their childs progress from their Learning Facilitator.
- Parents to Parents have a way to provide feedback and get questions answered.
- Children remain motivated, knowing that parents and teachers are interacting and that their education is important to everyone.
- In addition to these prearranged meetings, parents may also interact with Learning Facilitator via emails or via messages sent from the student’s account webpage.
Progress Report
Children are evaluated regularly to asses progress and to further strengthen areas of weakness
- After completion of each topic.
- After completion of a set of topics.
- After completion of a semester.
Our Technology
Our classrooms are fun and lively virtual environments that utilize state-of-the-art technology with video/audio conferencing your child face to face. Your child can access our classes from the comfort and convenience of your home. Using a standard webcam and hands-free headset, your child can see and hear classmates and the teacher. This type of technology works on almost any computer and is also compatible with Macs. All of you need an internet connection. A broadband connection will produce the best results.

Video Audio
Using a standard headset and webcam, your child and narrator can see and speak to each other directly over the Internet. There are no long-distance telephone charges depending on how far the tutor is.
Text Messaging
Each session is recorded and stored. It can be retrieved for review any time after the end of the lesson in our library section. This means that students or parents can review previous lessons at no charge if the child misses any class or just to receive a second review. Our technology enables you to take your child to a tuition center to learn from the comfort of your home and without having to wonder what your child is studying. You can use our recording facility to observe what was covered in each session.
Virtual School
Through the use of our technology, children will learn other real life collaboration skills needed in todays Global Economy – like video conferencing etiquettes, whiteboard writing, sharing desktops and documents, online group discussions.