At one stage in our life, we all go through tests. However, we should not forget that these tests, standardized or not do not determine who we are and what we can produce in the future.
Let’s Keep moving forward.
- Improve test taking skills.
- Feel more confident on test day.
- Master your study habbits and positive approach.
- Learn to manage time and be more successful in your tests.

Let your child be ready for testing
At STEMshala, students learn to improve critical test taking skills through structured lessons that align with educational standards that standardized tests are built around. Our student-paced curriculum help children move through grade levels faster and accelerate the process of their learning.
What it means for your child when it comes to testing and even just knowing a few tips about how it is offered and what questions might be similar are actually winning strategies for the student to do well. Getting prepared ahead of time and learning few tips for test taking can calm down the nerves of your child.
Standardized Tests by State
District of Columbia Information Found Here
State | Standardized Test | Abbrev. | State | Standardized Test | Abbrev. |
Alabama | Alabama Reading and Mathematics Tests | ARMT | Montana | Montana Comprehensive Assessment System | MontCAS |
Alaska | Terra Nova | SBA HSGQE | Nebraska | Nebraska State Accountability Assessments | NeSA |
Arizona | Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Standards | AIMS | Nevada | Nevada Proficiency Examination Program | NPEP |
Arkansas | Arkansas’ Augmented Benchmark Exam | AABE | New Hampshire | New England Common Assessment Program | NECAP |
California | Standardized Testing and Reporting | STAR | New Jersey | Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers | PARCC |
Colorado | Colorado Student Assessment Program | CSAP | New Mexico | New Mexico Statewide Articulated Assessment Program | NMSBA |
Connecticut | Connecticut Mastery Test Connecticut Academic Performance Test | CMT CAPT | New York | New York State Testing Program | NYSTP |
Delaware | Delaware Student Testing Program | DSTP | North Carolina | North Carolina Standardized Test | EOG |
Florida | Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test | FCAT | North Dakota | North Dakota’s State Assessment | NDSA |
Georgia | Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests | CRCT | Ohio | Ohio Achievement Test | OAT |
Hawaii | Hawaii State Assessment | HSA | Oklahoma | Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests | OCCT |
Idaho | Idaho State Achievement Tests | ISAT | Oregon | Oregon Statewide Assessment System | OAKS |
Illinois | Illinois Standards Achievement Test | ISAT | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania System of School Assessment | PSSA |
Indiana | Indiana Statewide Testing for Educational Progress | ISTEP+ | Rhode Island | New England Common Assessment Program | NECAP |
Iowa | Iowa Test of Basic Skills Iowa Tests of Educational Development | ITBS ITED | South Carolina | South Carolina Statewide Assessment Program | SC PASS |
Kansas | Kansas State Assessment | KSA | South Dakota | Dakota State Test of Educational Progress | STEP |
Kentucky | Kentucky Core Content Tests | KCCT | Tennessee | Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program | TCAP |
Louisiana | LEAP Alternate Assessment | iLEAP | Texas | Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills | TAKS |
Maine | New England Common Assessment Program Maine Educational Assessment Maine High School Assessment | NECAP MEA MHSA | Utah | Utah Performance Assessment System for Students | U-PASS |
Maryland | Maryland School Assessment | MSA | Vermont | New England Common Assessment Program | NECAP |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System | MCAS | Virginia | Virginia Standards of Learning | SOL |
Michigan | Michigan Educational Assessment Program | MEAP | Washington | Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program | WCAP |
Minnesota | Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments Series II | MCA II | West Virginia | West Virginia Educational Standards Test | WESTEST |
Mississippi | Mississippi Curriculum Test Subject Area Testing Program | MCT SATP | Wisconsin | Wisconsin Knowledge and Concept Evaluation | WKCE |
Missouri | Missouri Assessment Program | MAP | Wyoming | Proficiency Assessments for Wyoming Students | PAWS |